Healthy Vending Machines Create Wellness Work Environment

Corporate Wellness has gathered steam over the years, with wellness programmes being commonly found in factories, corporate offices, large corporations and small corporations alike. Now, businesses big and small are taking the next step in corporate wellness; Fresh Health Vending Machines.

The idea for these Corporate Wellness Programmes, which are designed to nurture wellbeing in workers in all types of work environments, stems from several different experiences, decades ago. Yes, companies wanted reduce healthcare expenses they were incurring on behalf of their employees, but there were also many forward-thinking companies that wanted to make the work space a more inviting and relaxing environment for their employees as well. If work is a fun place to be, surely employees won’t leave and prospective top employees will be attracted to the company.

In fact, investing in corporate wellness is one of the most vital things you can do for your company. Businesses that start Corporate Wellness programmes invest in the physical wellness, safety, and mental health of their employees, and also preventive measures by creating a healthier environment. Corporate Wellness programmes help corporations to improve their overall productivity and save money on health care expenses. You might be concern about the actual wellness return on investment (ROI), but the fact remains that healthier lifestyles create healthier employees who will work more diligently and miss fewer days of work due to illness.

So where do vending machines come in? FreshandHealthy.Org is teaming up with corporations to assist in providing the total corporate wellness solution; replacing junk food vending with healthy snack and drink options. As it stands, traditional vending machines play a huge part in the overall wellness problem within the workplace, and so business owners can now add Healthy Vending to their policies and create healthier working environments for employees.

According to Michelle Valency, Chief Wellness Advocate for FreshandHealthy.Org, ‘Policy managers love the program for the following reasons; it’s in line with their current corporate wellness initiatives. It allows the business owner discounted insurance costs and most importantly it provides ROI. We are learning that policy managers have been seeking an alternative to junk food vending and they are elated when they learn about Fresh Healthy Vending.’

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