Six Safety Measures to Prevent Seniors from Falling


By Karleia Steiner 


Fall prevention is very important, especially for seniors. Once an injury happens, usually outside of the home, there are many injury lawyers to choose from to help you build a case. There are many law offices across the country, such as Zuber & Brioux Law Offices, that service fall injury cases. Lawyers, however, care about people so they want to provide a list of safety measures that will help prevent seniors from falling. Since most injury cases happen outside of the home, the fall prevention measures listed here are to prevent falls from happening outside of the home. These measures, however, are also important to use inside the home to prevent injuries from falling. The following are a list of measures to help prevent seniors from falling:


1. Talk to your physician.


Tell your doctor about any occurrences where you fell or where you almost fell. Did these occurrences happen due to certain health conditions, such as poor vision, dizziness, weakness, pain, numbness, or shortness of breath? Some of these conditions could be due to medication side effects so your doctor may want to change your medications or even wean you off one or more of your meds. Your physician may order you to see an eye doctor or a neurologist, depending on your conditions. He may ask you to see a physical or occupational therapist, depending on how severe your conditions are. A therapist may recommend, and show you how to use, a cane, walker, or a wheelchair.


2. Do physical activity.


Physical activities help to increase and maintain strength, endurance, balance, and coordination. You may choose from light activities, such as walking, swimming, and low intensity yoga. If you are going to physical therapy, you can ask the therapist about an exercise plan and which plan would be best for you. Always check with your doctor when beginning an exercise program.


3. Wear good footwear.


Shoes with heels and slick soles or wearing floppy slippers or just socks can cause slippage or stumbling, and then falling.


4. Remove or be sure to go around any hazards.


Hazards can include electrical or phone cords, boxes, newspapers or magazines that are lying on the floor. Hazardous items also include tables, magazine racks, and furniture that are in the way, loose rugs or loose floorboards, and any spilled liquid or food.


5. Light up your walkway.


Be sure the light is on before entering the room. Carry a flashlight for walking in dark places, such as outside.


6. Use assistive equipment.


Be sure to use a cane, walker, or wheelchair, if you have one. When going down steps, use the handrail. When sitting down on the toilet, use the grab-bar.

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