How to Avoid Overindulging during the Holiday Seasons

During the holidays, lots of sweet treats will start to abound. But, if you don’t want to succumb to these nutrient-deficient and sugar-laden foods.  Also, remember–during the holiday season (which in reality is Thanksgiving through New Year’s), if you are working towards a healthier weight at this time, weight maintenance is the key!

Here below are eleven tips to keep you healthy and sane!

1. Read food labels.

Knowing the calorie content will help you limit your intake and stick to portion sizes.

2. Keep a daily food and feelings journal.

Recording everything you eat, as well as the time and how you feel when you eat. Keeping a journal will not only help you to see what you really consume but it may help you better understand your weaknesses and timings of when you overeat. Read your journal and recognise how good you feel when you make the healthy choice.


3. Write down your healthy goals and share them with a loved one.

Goals should serve as a constant motivator. Sharing them with a loved one will provide additional support you may need when faced with temptation.


4. Make it easy to be healthy.

Fill your pantry with healthy foods. Avoid foods that are not advisable to your diet and you tend to ‘give-in’


5. Find healthy alternatives to your vices.

You need to look for alternative food items with fewer calories.  If you love candy bars, try granola bars. If you love chips, try raw vegetables, such as cucumbers, with hummus. If you love ice cream, try frozen fruit or low fat yogurt


6. Eat slowly and drink lots of water.

Drink sufficient water, so that you get full faster.   Pace yourself and you will eat less.


7. Wean yourself off sweets.

As you take sweets out of your diet and increase your intake of healthy foods such as fruits and vegetables, you will lessen the desire for these sugar-packed, low-nutrient foods.


8. Eat every three to five hours.

Eat when you are hungry to maintain a constant energy level. This will help you avoid overeating.


9. Exercise.

Exercise increases your energy, improves your metabolism, raises your confidence, enhances your mood and helps you balance your food intake.


10. Seek professional help if you feel you need it.

Talk with your parents or school psychologist. They are there to help you, when in need.


11. Treat yourself with a non-food reward.

When you feel you deserve a reward, avoid using food as a reward. Instead get tickets to that concert you’ve had your heart set on or purchase that beautiful dress you’ve been eyeing or go to see a movie or take a walk in the park with your dog


If you can maintain your weight during this time of massive celebration, you are a true winner! Don’t stress about losing weight during this period. Just enjoy yourself, but be mindful about your food choices!

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