Tantric massage beats Premature Ejaculation
Of the many different types of massage available to you, Tantric massage is one of the more advanced therapies. It helps you get in touch with your body and soothes your mind. Tantric massage works on releasing blocked energy from your body and gives you a sense of deep bliss. This helps with your general wellbeing and also with preventing premature ejaculation.
Premature ejaculation happens to most men at some point of their lives. The pressure of performing in the bedroom or some sort of nervous apprehension are the usually the causes of this ailment. These psychological issues can be healed by a tantric massage. It does this by teaching you a sense of mindfulness within sensual experience; a kind of meditation that will teach your whole system the method, and true benefits of control.
Tantric massage helps you to perform longer by aiding your relaxation and tuning into your sensual energy. This intuitive connection to your body whilst being in a relaxed state of mind helps you to gain control of yourself and enjoy sexual activity more fully. You then start to respond to you and your partners’ sexual energy more, rather than blocking or releasing energy too early. Furthermore, a qualified practitioner in Tantric massage can also show you some specific methods of controlling your orgasm. This helps to increase you and your partners’ satisfaction as the sensations build up within your body, until you can both reach orgasm at the same time.
Some Tantric exercises can be done alone, so you don’t need to have a partner to enjoy the benefits of this practice. The benefits are more than just sexual; Tantra teaches you a new way of being in the world, where you sense the spirit within everything. It is a wonderful approach to life that many find is the perfect wellbeing practice for them. Search the internet for a qualified practitioner in this type of complementary therapy and embark on your journey to a new type of wellness!
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