The Amazing benefits of Mushrooms

As well as being very tasty, mushrooms are rightly classified as a ‘super food’ these days. They contain a whole host of supplementary minerals; including zinc, iron, amino acids, riboflavin and vitamins B, C, and K. Their contribution to a healthy diet is acknowledged by all, but this is actually just the first of their amazing complementary properties.

Mushrooms of all varieties are useful for detoxing. This is because they contain a substance called Germanium, which is active in boosting oxygen flow through the body. Germanium is a strong tool to help the body counteract the effect of toxins, as well as strengthening the immune system. The compound polysaccharides can also be found in mushrooms. This nutrient that is said to help fight tumours, and also has an immune-boosting effect.

Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has used mushrooms for wellbeing since ancient times. Over 200 species of mushrooms have been identified as having a healing effect on various conditions, and have become vital to TCM herbal prescriptions. In fact, 25% of these species are also credited with the ability to fight tumours.


The following types of mushroom are popular in TCM, and can be most helpful to your wellness programme:

Shiitake Mushrooms –have been used for centuries to strengthen overall health and improve circulation. They also contain a substance called Lentinan, which has been shown to be useful in supporting cancer treatments. In fact, a purified form of this chemical has been embraced in Japan as a tonic for patients undergoing cancer treatment.

Reishi Mushrooms – a favourite in TCM for treating heart and prostate problems. They are also said to have antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. These mushrooms are now receiving a lot of attention in the West, for their numerous benefits, including their purported tumour-fighting capability.

Maitake Mushrooms – have been shown to benefit AIDS patients by improving their blood sugar levels. They are also thought to have an immune-building and tumour-fighting effect.

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