Focus Turns On How to Age Healthfully

Getting older can prove to be a real struggle for some people, who may have difficulty caring independently for their wellness. A scheme that aims to help older people maintain their wellbeing over time could make a difference for many years to come.

Keys to healthy ageing

The European Commission recently launched the Conference of Partners of the European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing. Basically, the meeting examined the concerns of experts who look after ageing populations in the EU. The event has highlighted the different ways countries can care for their elderly people in the long-term, so they live healthy, happy lives.

What can help?

Experts on the panel drew attention to how difficult it can be for people to remember to take their medicines at the correct time. In fact, only a quarter of lung and heart problem sufferers are believed to take medication correctly. To improve this figure and the health of those whose conditions could worsen, the panel suggests a scheme that checks whether prescriptions are being repeated in the expected timeframes. As well as looking out for issues with prescriptions, the experts believe that tele-monitoring could be helpful. This uses technology to let people keep in touch with medical professionals and monitor their own conditions. As this can be carried out from an elderly person’s own home they wouldn’t have to wait around for appointments, saving them time.

Independent living

The conference also explained the danger of falls for older populations, who are more at risk of breakages because of balance issues and changes in bone density. They believe that promoting a healthy, anti-ageing lifestyle could prevent some falls, as it would encourage older people to eat nutrients that keep bones strong. This can aid independence, as can exercise, which was also mentioned at the conference as a way of helping people age healthily. Using technology to boost relationships and making sure public spaces take account of the needs of older populations could also make them feel more included.

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