Growing dance base marks studio’s 10th anniversary

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The studio marked its 10th year during a special get-together at the Central Avenue downtown studio on Saturday – an event coinciding with Downtown Street Fair.



“Most studios, and businesses I think, last two to five years, so the fact that we’re still around and growing at this 10-year anniversary time is evidence that we have something really special here,” she summarized.



It’s not just at Ballet N’ All That Jazz Dance that interest in dance appears to be on the rise, she said, noting that Saskatoon currently boasts the highest per-capita rate of dance studios in Western Canada.



“It’s nice to see that move north,” she said. “I think having new studios and having a lot of … good talented teachers — well qualified teachers — in P.A. is creating a lot of excitement in the dance world.”



Ksyniuk has been dancing at the studio since she was a kid, when prior to Steph Lokinger’s ownership 10 years ago had been called Backstage Dance Company.


Most studios, and businesses I think, last two to five years, so the fact that we’re still around and growing at this 10-year anniversary time is evidence that we have something really special here.
Heather Ksyniuk



After leaving for a few years to earn a master’s degree, she returned two years ago to take over the studio from Lokinger.



“So much changed when she came,” Lokinger said. “She opened another studio right in the basement, so we have two studios that operate at the same time. She just brought a whole new energy. It’s fresh, it’s exciting.”



Ksyniuk said that the studio has been important to her since she was a kid, and that between a greater online presence, better security and an expanded studio space, she’s happy to have ensured its success beyond the 10-year mark.



“This was kind of a home away from home for me, and it has a special place in my heart — this little studio in a basement.”


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