The Mystery Of Infertility Finally Comes Under Scrutiny

We know more today than we ever have before. This can be said about pretty much everything, we’re constantly on the advance in terms of knowledge and as a race we’re insatiable in our search for new information. However, this level of knowledge shouldn’t ever be confused for us being all knowing. Though we can understand more now than we have been able to before there’s still plenty of stuff which baffles even our best and brightest. I’m not talking mild confusion here; I’m talking total bemused confusion. Science in finite and so are we!
One of the areas which we’ve not entirely understood is male fertility. Though we understand a lot of things which can negatively affect male fertility and we know a lot of reasons a man may be infertile we don’t know them all and a lot of cases have been left totally unexplained, until now perhaps.
Scientists are now suggesting that the lack of a specific protein coating on a man’s sperm may make them much more susceptible to a ladies immune system. This means that the poor things will be killed off before they ever get the chance to impregnate anyone.
The immune systems job is to hunt down and destroy foreign and potentially harmful things which enter the body. Without the protein coat it views sperm as strange and potentially hostile and for the most part it attacks and destroys them!

This has only recently come to the attention of scientists because, when looked at under the microscope, these sperm look perfectly healthy. It’s only on a much closer inspection that it becomes apparently they’re lacking this protein coat.

Knowledge is power and now that doctors know about this they can start to devise a treatment for it and men everywhere can breathe a collective sigh of relief.

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