Could Depression Be Affecting Your Child?

Our mental wellness can be affected at any age, which is leading some clinicians to advise parents to be on the lookout for depressive illnesses in their children. Depression is sometimes linked with lifestyle factors that we believe may only affect adults, like stressful working conditions, or drug-related dips in mood, but children and adolescents are also at risk of this condition.


Identifying depression


This disorder has been linked to lots of different risk factors, with some being genetic, and others to do with the environment we live in. The wellbeing of children can suffer from these same vulnerabilities to the condition, but it may not be considered by us as a diagnosis. Recent figures show that in some parts of the world, as many as 1 in 33 children are depressed and one in eight adolescents are being diagnosed with it. The signs that a child has these mental health issues are the same as those found in adults. One of the most noticeable changes to a young person with depression is alterations in their mood, appetite and sleeping patterns. They may isolate themselves from friends and family, with older children perhaps showing signs of drug use.


Other factors


Consultant paediatrician Prakash Vaidya says that it’s important to also make sure other more physical problems aren’t responsible for changes in mood and other symptoms. The doctor explains that our children can also become tired and irritable if they have thyroid or renal problems. Before arriving at a diagnosis of depression the doctor makes sure that children aren’t suffering from any organic wellbeing problem. Dr Vaidya cautions that it’s important not to miss physical health issues by immediately diagnosing mental health disorders. He further explains that sleep issues like insomnia are a strong sign that our children could be suffering from depression and sessions with a psychiatrist can ensure a proper diagnosis is made.

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