Are Dietary Issues Making Your Bones Brittle?

Our bone health may suffer more if we also have wellness issues linked with digestion, say researchers. Another reason why a stomach problem that prevents us absorbing nutrients plays such an important part in osteoporosis has been discovered, giving us a greater chance at combating the condition.


Importance of nutrients


Our bones thrive on a healthy diet, so filling up on meals that contain calcium, Vitamin D and many other nutrients is good for our wellbeing and bone mineral density. Making and preserving bones is down to many delicate processes involving different chemicals and proteins. Osteoblasts make bone, while osteoclasts get rid of it, with osteoprotegerin having an important moderating factor that is decreased if we have celiac disease. Dietary issues like celiac disease cause irritations in the bowel and can prevent us from absorbing these important minerals. If we are diagnosed with this condition it is because we cannot process gluten properly.


Delicate balance


Doctors explain that we fall into risks groups for osteoporosis if we have celiac disease, because bone cells need specific nutrients to build fibres in our youth that decline as we get older. Until the study carried out by the University of Edinburgh, it was thought that the bone condition was linked to a simple decrease in the uptake of calcium and Vitamin D, in people with gluten intolerance. But scientists have found that if we have celiac disease we may also make antibodies that affect protein osteoprotegerin, which helps moderate the loss of bone cells.




Osteoporosis medications containing bisphosphonates are useful if we have celiac disease, as they help preserve our bone mineral density (BMD). We may also get dietary and lifestyle tips on how to further care for our bone health. This new study also gives clinicians another angle to treat the bone condition when we have nutrient absorption problems.

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