Feel AB-ulous With These Diet Ideas

You may want to lose weight for mental and emotional wellness reasons, such as boosting your self-esteem, but a healthy diet and exercise programme can also protect the wellbeing of your body as there are illnesses associated with being only mildly overweight.


If you want to be ab-tastic, try a diet that includes lots of fruit smoothies as opposed to big meals. Fill your smoothies with low-fat yoghurt, fruits and vegetables, but go easy on the fruits as they are very high in carbohydrates. Add only as much fruit as you need for flavour and fill up on veggies instead.


While we’re discussing carbs, avoid breads and try to swap salads into your sandwiches instead. You can make wraps with large leaves, and when it comes to mealtimes have a nice side-salad instead of garlic bread, or a bun with your burger. Also, many drinks that taste good are high in sugar, which is bad for your wellness as well as your tummy-tone. Limit your drinks to water as much as possible to keep hydrated, get fit faster, and promote a very healthy body for yourself.


Unfortunately, diet alone is not enough on the path to ab-ulousness. Aerobic exercise is needed for your heart and lung health, as well as for burning fat and calories. Start of with getting a regular walk every few days and build up as your fitness levels improve. Go for longer walks, or try a new hobby like dancing, biking, hiking, martial arts, team sports, tennis, roller skating and ice skating.


Next, strength training is important as it helps to shape and tone your body, as well as boosting your resting metabolism and protecting yourself against unnecessary injuries. Weights can be dangerous, so if you’re a beginner you might want to consult a fitness trainer to learn the proper technique and form, and to plan a programme that works for you. Remember to switch up exercises to keep it fresh, and to stop your body becoming used and intolerant to your exercise efforts. Also, make sure you balance your regime with cardiovascular exercise as well as strength conditioning exercises.


Finally, keep track of your progress with a journal so you can see where you’ve gone wrong and where you’ve succeeded, and this will improve your chances of reaching your goals. Also, get the social support you need with a workout partner as well as someone to talk to about your targets to get you through the tough times and keep you accountable. You’ll have amazing abs in no time.


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