The Overwhelming Indian Arthritis Crisis

Arthritis is something which can be misconstrued as a fact of life. It’s not; it’s an inflammatory medical condition which only affects some of the population. This part of the population is on the rise and arthritis seems to be migrating further and further away from its traditional patient base, it’s afflicting the young more often and things like juvenile arthritis are becoming much more common. It’s not one condition; the name arthritis refers to over 100 distinct medical conditions and as such the treatments for these illnesses have to be diverse and there will never be one cure-all treatment.

In certain populations, generally in countries without as widespread medical care or medical awareness campaigns, the condition is much more widespread and much less well treated. In India today 15% of the population suffer from arthritis and a good amount of that percentage are ladies. Due to the general standard of healthcare being, on average, lesser in India than most western countries the condition often goes undertreated. Lack of proper treatment and medication for arthritis can lead to it destroying mobility and leaving a patient deformed.
If you’re over the age of 55 and living in India then arthritis is the thing most likely to cause a loss of your mobility.

The best way to counter conditions like this is through a general improvement in overall awareness. IF people are made aware of the condition that they’re suffering from they’re more likely to seek treatment for it and the earlier they do the less the chance of them winding up immobile and deformed is. Most of the biggest illnesses today have seen improvements in the standard and effectiveness of their treatments by making people much more aware of what they’re suffering and the best things they can do to maintain their own health.

As always, if in doubt see your doctor!

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