Could This Be Bad News For Beef Eaters?

This year in the United States, the production of beef looks set to decrease enormously. During 2014, it will drop by 4.8 percent. This is the one of the largest decreases in production that the industry has seen in the last 35 years, second only to the 6.4 percent decrease in 2004.


This is not in any way related to health concerns, but instead is related to a large decrease in cattle slaughter, combined with steady carcass weights. Although this is a drop, beef is not expected to become a rarity, and so the wellness of those who like to consume this iron-rich meat is not likely to be affected. Consumption of beef and beef-related products is expected to drop a little, by around 3.5 percent, but not as great as the decrease in production, because much of what is produced in the United States is exported (and of course some beef is imported, too).


The decrease in consumption in 2004 was due to health concerns, as people feared for their wellbeing after the first case of Bovine spongiform encephalopathy (commonly known as BSE) was reported in the United States. Less beef was also exported that year, as the safety of the meat was in question.


Price may also play a factor in the decrease in consumption, as beef prices are up again. Conversely, the drop in consumption may also force an increase in beef prices as they respond to the challenges created by lower supplies.


A great deal of revenue is generated from the beef-production industry, and the meat itself is popular as it is a vital source of many important nutrients.

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