Eliminating The Painful Sensations Of Heat-burn And Acidity

Many people suffer from heartburn regularly and it is a condition that can cause recurrent discomfort and distress. Whilst the process can be painful, its causes are simple and are the result of excess stomach acids entering the oesophagus. Fortunately it is fairly easy to treat and can be done so, by adopting the following approaches:


As a starting point, it is wise to avoid foods that can cause acid-reflux and different people respond differently to certain foodstuffs. Foods that can trigger episodes include: spicy and hot dishes, citrus-fruits, tomatoes, coffee and chocolate. Reducing the consumption of them can rapidly make a big difference.


Over-eating or gorging on foods and comfort-eating can also cause heartburn. This is produced by the expansion of the stomach which creates circumstances in which unwanted, stomach-acids can journey into the oesophagus. Ideally, you should eat small-meals regularly which will help to optimize the digestive-process. However, as this is often impractical, many people suffer from indigestion as a result of consuming bigger portions over longer periods. It is also important to avoid lying down after eating, as stomach-acids tend to flow into your oesophagus if you assume a horizontal position. A good night’s sleep can be seriously disrupted by the discomfort caused by heartburn, so it’s important to consider the position in which you sleep.


It can also be helpful to elevate your upper body when you sleep with the use of pillows and other support mechanisms. This will also help reduce sensations associated with heartburn in the morning – the time in which many sufferers experience their most acute symptoms.


Finally, it is important to try and cut-out or at-least cut-down on unhealthy habits and vices such as smoking and drinking alcohol. Both have properties that can trigger acid-reflux and if you have a pre-disposition towards it – should be avoided.

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