How To Feel Better In Five Easy Steps

Many people around the world suffer from mental health problems, with issues ranging from very serious, complex psychological disorders to mild cases of anxiety and depression. There are steps that you can take to improve your wellness and safeguard your wellbeing, in order to enable you to get the most out of life.

Scientific evidence points to five steps that we can take to improve our mental wellbeing. If you give them a try, you may feel happier, more positive and able to get the most from your life. Mental wellbeing is about more than simply avoiding mental illness: it is a state of feeling good and positive about the world around us. There are also proven links between physical and mental wellbeing – mind and body are closely related, and finding wellness in both of these areas can lead to increased confidence and self-esteem, as well as a general enjoyment of life. This in turn leads to positive relationships with those around you.

It does not mean that you will never feel unhappy or experience a negative emotion, but maintaining good mental wellbeing as a general rule can make you more strong to cope with difficult things that may arise.

The evidence to support what causes and affects mental wellbeing is strong and has been studied by scientists for many years. The results have led to these five simple steps that you can take in order to feel better, although the first step (and one you have likely taken if you are reading this article) is to think about your own wellbeing and assess your mental wellness at this time.

Step 1: Spend time on your relationships. Connect with your family, friends and acquaintances.

Step 2: Exercise releases endorphins – also known as ‘happy hormones’. Try to increase the activity in your lifestyle.

Step 3: Learning a new skill can really boost your confidence. You can do this by yourself via a manual or by signing up to a course or class.

Step 4: Generosity makes everyone feel better. Giving something – whether it’s a donation, volunteering or merely a simple smile and greeting – can really brighten your day and can also improve your friendships.

Step 5: Take time to think about where you are right now. Some people call this ‘mindfulness’ and it involves thinking about the present moment rather than always thinking about the past or worrying about the future.

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