Five Ways to Stay Healthy in Old Age

Staying healthy in old age is both an art and a science. Genetics plays an important part in how you age, but you can also take specific actions to improve your health, as you get older. Medical research has provided useful information on how people can stay healthy long into the later years.


Healthy Diet
Eating right is important at any age, but it’s particularly important as people get older. Proper nutrition can help prevent anemia, blood pressure problems, blood sugar irregularities and constipation. Lean meats, whole grains, omega-3 fatty acids and plenty of colorful fruits and vegetables provide the right vitamins, minerals and antioxidants to ensure a healthy body and a sharp mind.


Regular Exercise
Getting regular exercise in your later years is as important as when you are young. Stretching helps keep older bodies limber and helps to improve balance. Walking is still the best exercise because it works the joints of the body without producing hard impacts that can cause injury. Swimming is another good exercise that works all the muscles of the body without impact on tender joints. Working out with weights at the gym can help to keep bones strong and improve muscle tone. Of course, you should always start slowly and gradually build up your endurance and strength over time in order to avoid injury.


Engage in Social Activities
Researchers find that people who spend time with friends and family on a regular basis have a better mental attitude, improved memory skills and better all-around health. Staying involved with other people helps to keep people optimistic and engaged in life, which prevents sedentary and isolation.


Regular Visits to the Doctor
Visiting your doctor on a regular basis can help to keep you healthy in both body and mind. The physician can monitor your health through test results and physical examination to catch small problems that can become more serious if not treated. Physicians can also monitor your mental condition to ensure that medications your take do not affect your mental capacity.


Help with Strenuous Tasks
As people age, they must face the fact that they might need help with heavy tasks around the home to avoid injury. Fortunately, assisted living help can take over the burdensome tasks of housekeeping and laundry. Some people prefer to stay in their own homes and have in home care to manage these heavier duties. Either way, getting help can prevent injury and help you to stay healthy and active well into your senior years.

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