How Can You Stay Active During the Winter Months?
Keeping active is an important part of managing your arthritis. Although strenuous exercise if off limits, regular gentle exercise is encouraged.
But what happens in the winter months when the weather turns and the days are shorter?
Studies in Chicago found that older arthritis sufferers on a low income have fewer opportunities to exercise during the winter.
Researchers found that, although patients tended to stay inside due to the cold weather, it was actually the reduction in daylight hours that kept them from exercising.
For people on a lower income, gym memberships and exercise clubs can prove too expensive.
When you are experiencing pain and discomfort, exercising may be the last thing on your mind. But keeping in shape and keeping your joints mobile are important for people with arthritis.
There are ways to ensure you get the right amount of exercise during the winter months, when your usual routine can be interrupted by bad weather and shorter days.
It may be worth getting in touch with other arthritis patients who live nearby and organising walks on days when the weather is milder.
Yoga exercises can be done in the comfort of your own home, and there are countless DVDs on the market that can be used to make sure you are doing it properly.
Invest in an exercise bike for some gentle, indoor exercise. If you haven’t got space for exercise equipment, something as simple as climbing the stairs can form part of your routine.
Get in touch with support groups and charities to find out if there are local groups you can get involved in.
Remember to discuss any new exercise regime with your doctor before embarking on it.
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