Learning How to Say “No” When You’re Not Ready for Sex

Establishing boundaries is essential in any relationship. You should always be able to tell a partner “no” when it comes to sex or any kind of physical intimacy and know he or she will accept what you say. You should never feel uncomfortable in saying no to any activity you don’t want and if your boyfriend or girlfriend is one saying “no” to you, you should respect what they’re saying and stop immediately.


Learning about boundaries and getting to know what you’re comfortable with physically is all part of growing up and knowing more about sex. Peer pressure is a huge burden on many teenagers who hear friends and classmates talking about sex and imagine it’s something they have to do, simply because everyone else is doing it. Well, the reality is that many people will be talking about it but not many will actually be having sex and instead will be exaggerating or simply making up their experiences.

Only you can decide when is the right time for you to have sex. Experiencing this kind of intimacy is a very personal experience and all of us are ready at different times. If you want to take a relationship more slowly, don’t be afraid to say that – if your partner cares about you, they will be happy to move at your pace. And even if you have had sex before, you should not feel under pressure always to say “yes” to sex every time your boyfriend or girlfriend asks.


A good relationship is based on more than just sex and physical intimacy. You should always respect each other and accept each other’s boundaries. Some people will try emotional blackmail; for example, telling you that if you really loved them, you’d have sex. Tell them that you can’t prove you love someone by having sex and consider whether they are the right partner for you.


When you do think the time is right to have sex, the next step is to ensure you take proper precautions. Condoms can protect you against unwanted pregnancy and sexually-transmitted infections (STIs) such as chlamydia and HIV.

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