The Two Main Methods of Weight Loss Broken Down

If you want to seriously lose weight then there are two ways of doing it and which one works for you depends almost entirely on who you are and what kind of techniques work for you. Some people need boundaries and structure, without those things they struggle to make any progress and any they do make will feel less impressive to them as they won’t have any way of quantifying it. Others will fight against any form of structure and the more you try and bring structure into their lives the harder they’ll fight against it making progress a hard thing to come by. We’ve got two generic ways of doing it, two simple guidelines to weight loss. One for the first group of structure-addicts and the other for the group of laid back structure-haters.


  1. So, you need a guide to stick to and measure yourself against. Well first you’ll want to understand what your BMI and what your ideal weight is. You can work these things out by measuring your weight and height; you’ll then know what your target is and just how difficult a mountain that will be to climb. From there start a food diary, recording everything you eat and drink. From this you can work out the changes which you’re going to need to make and just how much you’re going to have to do and how long you’re going to have to do it for.
  2. So you hate the idea of a guide do you? No worries we’ve sorted that out for you. Do these three things and then forget about it, weight loss will come but you might not notice it as easily as you’d like! Stop drinking anything but water as this has no calories and will remove all the calories you’ve been taking on in the form of soft drinks. Cook ¾ of your meals for yourself and use ¾ healthy ingredients in those meals, if you’re going to have something fatty then use it as a treat. Walk more and drive less. Easy, three things you can start doing, get used to and then forget about!

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