The Recession Has Hurt Us All In So Many ways…

It’s not a good time to be just starting your career. In case you’ve had your head buried in the sand for the last few years, we’re in a global recession. There isn’t anything or anywhere which hasn’t been touched by it in some way and there’s simply less money around at the moment. Less money means fewer jobs and more candidates for each position. Even menial, minimum wage positions are highly sought as people desperately seek to leave the unemployed bracket behind them.

In some cases in the UK you can actually make more money by being unemployed than you can through employment. As inflation has gripped the world and everything has gotten so much more expensive the only thing which has stayed fairly static is the wage. People aren’t earning more but suddenly everything has become more expensive meaning people, on the whole, are less well off now than they were a decade ago.

For those who have been lucky enough to secure employment in this troubled time, it’s not all sunshine and rainbows either. Companies are less interested in employee development and more interested in excessive productivity. More and more people are saying that they feel soulless in what they do, as if there’s no progression at all. In these cases they’ll quit and look for different, more fulfilling work. The days of people having just one career for their whole lives are long gone; most people will have to take whatever work there is simply to get by.

The important thing to remember is that no matter how bad the situation is, stress will make it worse. Allowing yourself to get upset or worked up over whatever your personal situation will add to the negativity. Take some deep breaths, calm down and try not to think about it. You don’t want the health concerns which stress can bring about on top of everything else, do you?

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