Why Happy, Healthy Employees Matter

Some people are fortunate enough to be given the chance to get their dream jobs. After all, it has been said that when you love what you do, it doesn’t feel like work at all. But even if you love your job, there are other factors that can burst your happy bubble, draining you of creative juices until you are burned out and unable to fulfill the tasks that you are required to do. Burnt out and unhappy, your health begins to suffer and you will be unable to perform as well as you once did. The moment you are unable to fulfill the work that has been assigned to you, everything snowballs, triggering a chain reaction that will affect everyone, especially when you are part of a team. This paints a very clear picture of why happy, healthy employees matter. But if you need further enlightenment, the following reasons should be enough to convince you.

Happy = Productive

 When you are happy at your workplace, you tend to be inspired to work your ass off everyday because your company cares about you and your wellbeing. How does your company show that it cares? Through employee benefits like insurance plans and other incentives. One of the things that can easily burn a hole through your wallet is medical expenses. Even just one unexpected stay at the hospital is enough to put you in debt, especially with expensive doctors’ fees, admissions fees and medication. With health plans, you are able to set your mind at ease and worry less about the possibility of getting sick since you know that you will be covered in case your health is compromised.

Another benefit that will make employees happy is legal plans. This is not a requirement when it comes to employee benefits. But when a company offers this, it is a great bonus that will take a load off an employer’s shoulders especially when he or she may be encountering problems like identity theft. Employees may also require other assistance from lawyers like reviewing a legal document or purchasing a property. An attorney’s exorbitant hourly fees can also put a dent in their wallet so having legal plans is sure to make them happy and at the same time help them save money.

If you have your own company and plan to include legal plans in your employee benefits, you can check out budget packages from legal services providers like Legal Shield. There are informative clips on LegalShield YouTube Channel that can guide you on which coverage is best for your employees.

Healthy = Happy + Productive

Employee health is something that companies should nurture. What better way to do so that to offer activities that help promote good health. Regular exercise is very important, more so for those who spend majority of their time working in front of a computer screen. What you can offer is a free gym membership or perhaps a subsidized one, so that employees can work off their stress and release endorphins, which in turn can contribute to happy feelings and overall well being. Another option is to offer healthier food options, if the company has its own canteen that caters to its employees. When you combine good health and happiness, it will minimize sick leaves and promote more productivity among employees.

About the Author

Based in San Diego California, Tiffany Matthews is a professional writer with over 5 years of writing experience. She also blogs about travel, fashion, and anything under the sun at wordbaristas.com, a group blog that she shares with her good friends. In her free time, she likes to travel, read books, and watch movies. You can find her on Twitter as @TiffyCat87.

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