Man Flu Is Real. Now Who Has It Worse, Ladies Or Men?
Ladies and men are waging a long standing war over the question, ‘Just who has it worse? ‘
Women suffer child birth but then men suffer the agony of a blow to the testicles. You could argue that the former is much more painful than the latter but then, being hit in the testicles is likely to happen much more often to a man than childbirth is to a woman. It doesn’t come with a nine month warning and perhaps most importantly, it’s almost never a conscious decision.
Women feel more socially obligated to pluck, prune and shave themselves into attractiveness than men do but then, men are traditionally expected to pay for things or at the very least appear to want to. Women have to struggle against a highly patriarchal society but men have to deal with positive discrimination. Ladies may get picked for a position simply because they’re ladies but this will never happen to a man.
The list goes on and each has a strong for/against argument. One thing that women have always claimed untrue, unfounded and simply men whining for whining’s sake is ‘Man Flu’. Well, bad news ladies, it’s real. It turns out that men have more temperature receptors in their brains than ladies, so while we might not get ill more often than they do we’ll feel it much more profoundly when we do.
The body raises its temperature to literally burn off bugs and bacteria as those things struggle to survive in high-temperature environments. As men have more temperature receptors than ladies do our temperatures spike far higher and we feel much more run down. All because a tiny part of the brain is larger in men than in women.
In terms of the man/woman conflict the proof that man flu isn’t just hypochondria is a definite, a small victory for men. Now all we need is an actual way to tell whether child birth or being hit in the balls is more painful and we can put this thing to rest for good!
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