Type Two Diabetes, Your Days Could Be Numbered!
Type two diabetes is closely linked to obesity. It’s a condition which has risen to prominence in the last decade or two as the obesity epidemic has reached critical mass. Diabetes in general isn’t curable and tends to be a condition which patients are stuck with for their whole lives, which makes it a chronic condition. As with all chronic conditions there are medications which you can take but the main factor in managing them is changes in the way you live your life. Type two diabetes can be lived with if you keep it under control and providing you stick to your diet and exercise regularly you shouldn’t suffer any of the nastier symptoms of the condition.
Diabetes is caused when the body has an issue removing blood-sugar from the bloodstream. In type two diabetes this is because the body has developed what is known as insulin resistance. This means that the insulin produced in the pancreas is much less effective and the body doesn’t react to it as much as it should. When the blood-sugar levels get higher and then stay higher they start to cause damage to various other parts of the body, causing the more dangerous symptoms of diabetes.
There’s recently been a breakthrough in the treatment of type two diabetes. Scientists have found a way to block the signalling of a protein known as VEGF-B. Blocking the signals produced by this protein help to lessen the levels of insulin resistance in the body and increase the effectiveness of insulin on the sugar in the blood. If this treatment works in the way described it could well be the first step on the road to a cure for type two diabetes and the end of an epidemic on a world wide scale. We’ll know much more soon as more tests and studies are carried out to verify the results.
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