Strawberries Might Save Your Life One Day!

One of the wonderful things about medicine is that it never gives up on anything. If something ever shows even a glimmer of curative potential then scientists and researchers from all over the world will jump on it and keep poking and prodding away until they unlock its secrets. In the past this was largely centred in and around new pharmaceuticals but in more recent years medicine has finally embraced the curative properties of the natural world and it’s now working very hard to verify and prove these properties. For it to be scientifically true there needs to be studies and evidence to prove it and even though a lot of things are used as remedies they’ll only ever be seen as medicinal once they’ve been tested.

In this case the wonderful world of science has revealed the healing potential of the humble strawberry. It’s long been said to reduce the likelihood of you contracting heart disease and diabetes and now there’s proof to back it up. Strawberries activate a protein which is innate in all of us, it’s known as Nrf2 and when activated it helps to keep your cholesterol levels nice and low. They’ve also been proven to help manage blood-sugar levels after eating and massively decrease the risk of diabetes related complications in the kidneys or brain.

This is the first full study done into strawberries and though there was a lot found scientists are still unsure just how many strawberries you’d need to eat to guarantee the curative properties kick in. The researchers responsible for this study are intending to aim another at finding this out and once they do the humble strawberry could start saving lives!

If you’re considering a bowl of strawberries but you’re unsure how many to eat or what to have with them then worry not. Have them fresh and without topping for the healthiest effect and let us know if they’re truly helpful in managing your condition!


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