What Hidden Factor Is Contributing To Your Weight Gain?

Over the years, weight loss companies have made some pretty crazy claims about how one pill or one method can improve your overall wellbeing, manage your weight and even rid you from any diseases, but, as you’re probably aware, when these companies pedal gadgets and patches for weight loss, they’re more concerned with your wallet than your wellness. Even if, by some sheer fluke, one or two people find success with these fads, if they really worked, why are we getting fatter and fatter as a nation?


And it’s not just the obvious diet pills that you need to be wary of. For years, people have stocked up on fat-free or low-fat items from the supermarket, but in recent times you no longer see the mass marketing of these products. Why? Because if it says fat-free, you think it won’t let you put on weight but it does. Fat has developed a bad reputation, but hiding behind that fat-free label are volumes of calories, sugar and carbohydrates, and an excess of any of these can cause weight gain.


Over and over again, you have been programmed to believe that fat is the enemy of your weight issues when, in fact, this simply isn’t true. Your body needs fat to survive, and fat is a good source of energy. Fat in and of itself isn’t the problem, but rather it’s the types of fat that you digest on a regular basis that dictates your weight, because of a hidden, underlying need for the comfort that they bring.


There are, in fact, many subconscious and even unconscious factors at play with weight issues that are beyond your direct control, but if you could become aware of these issues, perhaps this could put you on the road to permanent weight management. Suppressed emotions can influence your weight, as your brain activates specific biochemicals in your body that programme the cells to store more fat, to literally protect you from pain. However, you don’t have to starve or deprive yourself of food, but if, with a balanced diet and exercise programme, you work on your emotional wellness, being extremely honest with yourself and your inner feelings, you may find that your weight will start to come down naturally. You might even want to consider talking to someone about it, whether that’s a friend, or a mental health professional.

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