Bigger Handbag? Fake Tan? What’s Your Trick to Look Thinner?

Have you ever looked around at other women in the room, and thought ‘I’m the biggest one here’? Do you find yourself wondering why you have a sneaky few rolls here and there; whilst other people your size seem to have none? According to a new survey, there may be more to slimmer women than meets the eye.

The online survey, carried out by retailer Marisota, found that most women will do anything to look thinner, apart from losing weight! Two-thirds of the women who took part in the survey reported that they would like to lose weight, but they don’t have the time or the inclination to diet. Instead, they have found a few low-effort tips and tricks that help them to look thin.

So how do they do it? Women reported using tricks such as wearing black, applying fake tan, and carrying an oversized handbag to appear slimmer than they are, as well as wearing big sunglasses to make their faces look smaller. Almost all of the women surveyed said that they would rather use fashion and make up techniques to look thin than to actually diet and be thin, with 11% of them reporting that they use excess make-up to draw attention away from their body.

When it came to their slimming wardrobe, 90% of the 2000 women surveyed admitted to wearing clothes such as long tops to cover fat rolls and heels to make their legs look longer and thinner, as well as big belts and high-waisted trousers. Four in ten ladies also reported owning shape-wear underwear, which are supposed to hold you in and flatter your shape.

According to a spokesman from the study, ‘Most women know what suits them and can dress accordingly to their shape and size, but a few of the tricks in this poll are bound to help. Wearing heels, putting your hair up and wearing underwear that emphasises your figure are all known ways to elongate your figure and look slimmer.’ She concluded by saying, ‘This research shows some of the lengths women go to to look as good as then can.’


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