BlueberryActive Could Help Boost Your Brainpower!

blueberry activeIt’s a well-known fact that blueberries are good for your health, with a wealth of antioxidants and vitamins on offer. But did you know that blueberries can also help to improve your memory function and help to sharpen your concentration? A new wonder product, BlueberryActive, is a 100 percent natural concentrate that plays host to numerous diet boosters which can help to protect against neurodegeneration.

The flavonoids found in blueberries are a group of antioxidants which create the colour in plant-based foods. The darker the berry, the higher the value of flavonoids. A recent study found that those who drank blueberry juice showed a significant improvement in their learning and memory tests, suggesting that consistent supplementation with blueberries may offer an approach to mitigate neurodegeneration. If you consistently consume blueberry concentrate, you’ll notice an improvement in your memory function – BlueberryActive makes achieving this easier.

You too can avoid the fated afternoon slump by drinking BlueberryActive concentrate! Often, when we find ourselves needing a mid-afternoon boost, we turn to sugary treats. While these may perk you up initially, they lead to a harsh fall not long after. In a recent study drinking blueberry juice was proven to provide a three percent increase in concentration levels, as well as a 100 percent increase in colleague interaction. Simply adding BlueberryActive to your morning smoothie, could help boost vitality and improve workday productivity. BlueberryActive is a 100 percent natural concentrate made from blueberries, from the award-winning company that created CherryActive. With no additives, added sugars or preservatives, it can be diluted with water or added to plain natural yoghurt for a delicious snack. All you need to do is mix a 30ml dose of BlueberryActive with a glass of water, or add to fruit juice or smoothies if you’d prefer.

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