Pregnancy Prep: Your To-Do List For When You’re Due

Whether you are planning on becoming pregnant or in the early stages of pregnancy, you need to be aware of a few things that need to be done to prepare for a new baby. Buying clothes and furniture is important, but there are some common sense tasks you can perform to ensure a healthy pregnancy and give your baby a great start in life.

See Your Doctor
A good check-up is important at any time in your life, but it is vitally important prior to and in the early stages of pregnancy. If you are in the early stages of pregnancy, your health care provider will help you identify lifestyle changes or medications that you need to adjust during your pregnancy. The sooner you get checked out and become your very healthiest, the better chances you will have of having a healthy pregnancy and a healthy baby.

See Your Dentist
Dental health influences your entire body. Get a good dental check-up now. Expectant mothers who have gum or dental disease tend to have smaller babies or premature babies. So get those dental problems dealt with now for a healthier you and a healthier baby.

Behaviours to Stop
Now is the time to quit smoking and drinking. Alcohol and smoking can keep you from becoming pregnant. They are also an important factor in causing miscarriages. Be honest with your healthcare provider. He or she will be happy to help you stop any addictive behavior and become healthier. Your healthcare provider may also have you quit drinking caffeine. Excess caffeine use can lead to infertility and increase your risk of having a miscarriage. It’s best to abstain from any harmful substance during pregnancy, for your own health and that of your baby.

Behaviours to Start
Sometimes we need a good reason to give up bad habits and start good ones. A new baby is the right reason to start some good habits. You may even continue these healthy habits after the baby is born. Some of the basic good behaviors you will want to start before and during your pregnancy are:

•Eat healthy foods. Concentrate on eating lean protein, fruit and vegetables. Your healthcare specialist may also recommend taking prenatal supplements, such as those offered by Nature’s Energy, to make sure you’re getting the right vitamins and minerals.

•Lose excess weight. If you eat healthy and exercise, excess weight should come off naturally. Make sure you consult with your doctor before starting any exercise program to decide how much exertion you can handle.

The Most Important Thing to Do
The most important thing to do is to listen to your healthcare provider’s advice. He or she will guide you through your pregnancy to bring a new baby into the world.


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