Is The Link Between Porn And Rape Too Simplistic?

porn rapeIt’s easy to make a connection between pornography and the act of rape, but is that connection too simplistic? According to sexual health expert Dr Eve, who is also a survivor of sexual abuse, this link is based on skewed facts and warped perceptions.

Dr Eve notes, ‘I watch porn for clinical purposes. As a clinical responsibility to further understand my client’s sexuality, I watch what they watch, be they children or adults. I also keep in touch with porn trends… I am however a defender of human rights, especially sexual health and reproductive rights.’

Two weeks ago, Dr Eve gave evidence before ICASA on whether or not South African broadcaster TopTV should be permitted channels to air adult content. In her opinion, viewing consensual non-violent adult content within a protected television pin controlled environment will not contribute towards violence, rape or harm to women and children, and Dr Eve was up against several parties, including some victims of sexual abuse, who she commented were ‘as passionate about their cause as I am about mine.’

According to Dr Eve, if your wellbeing is damaged by sexual abuse, listening to other stories of violations can touch a nerve, but all survivors learn how to deal with these moments and move on. However, when WoomaNetRadio’s Mrs Britz put forward her case, it pushed Dr Eve over the edge. ‘She contended had anyone been a witness to her rape it would have appeared consensual sex as she did not protest, fight back or scream, having a young child in the house. I got that,’ said Dr Eve. ‘But when she said all porn looks consensual but is actually rape, I lost it.’

She said, ‘Unlike Mrs Britz, I do not believe my perpetrator violated me due to his consumption of porn. I admittedly did not ask him about his porn habits. It felt violent, coming from a man who was powerless and saw my powerlessness as a source of his own power. There was an atmosphere of fear, threat, violence not sex. I refuse to accept that adult non-violent porn is the source of sexual violence. It’s too simplistic an argument.’

‘I feel concerned about the use of porn, very concerned,’ she added. ‘I feel concerned that in every child’s hands there is a sexual education happening. Because parents, religious leaders and schools are not sexually educating kids their mobiles are, which means porn is their primary educator. Porn is there to arouse. Children need to know how to manage their arousal. Children need to learn about love and kindness, respect towards women and men and how sexuality can be utter bliss when conducted responsibly.’

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