The Age of Embarrassment: Would You Try the Face Trainer?

When you first begin to think about anti-ageing wellness, you can feel a little bit embarrassed. However, while there’s no reason why you should be shy in keeping your skin young and being the most beautiful you that you can be, certain products don’t make it easy.

A new beauty product has emerged on the scene that promises to tone up your wrinkles and saggy skin conveniently in the privacy of your own home. While other anti-ageing products, like face masks, can give you a great excuse to get the girls round and have a evening of pampering, trust me, this isn’t the product for that! Made by the aptly-named beauty treatment company No!No!, the Face Trainer is a product which should remain between you and your mirror – and no one else.

So what is it about the Face Trainer that’s so embarrassing? Ever seen Star Wars? The product is a mask that looks like the love child of an Ewok and a Storm Trooper. No!No! claims that the Face Trainer provides resistance training to the muscles in your face, but it’s not just the sci-fi balaclava itself that’s so mortifying; there are actions involved too! The basic action is dubbed “The Surprised Puppy Dog”, and while the other actions don’t have quite so hilarious names, you still wouldn’t want another living soul to see you doing them.

However, though the whole thing looks ridiculous, there’s nothing silly about the anti-ageing effects the Face Trainer has on your wellbeing. No!No!’s magic mask performed well enough in clinical trials to be approved by the FDA, and The Daily Mail reported that ‘71% of users saw an reduction in sagging while 91% of participants said they would recommend the product to a friend.’ Of that 91%, I wonder how many participants just wanted to secretly film their friends wearing the Face Trainer…and then put it on YouTube.

If you do have a high threshold for embarrassment, The Face Trainer can be yours for a mere $199 plus shipping and handling. However, as the product does look like a ski mask that’s a size too small, it may be a cheaper option to buy one of those first and start practising your surprised puppy dog face.

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