What Would Sex Ed in Schools Really Include?
When it comes to teaching children about sex, school is the ideal place to ensure that they get a full and in-depth education. However, some parents are up in arms about the subjects that will inevitably be covered, including porn. When it comes to learning about sex, a thorough and all-encompassing study is vital in order to ensure kids have the right knowledge to make informed choices. If you start picking and choosing what your children learn about, how can you determine the level of knowledge they have about a subject so emotionally and physically charged? A report has suggested that the absence of a decent education on sex and relationships is connected to the failure to prevent violence against women and young girls.
Sex education not only teaches the basics behind the physical aspects of sex, but it also covers relationships, emotions and connected issues, such as STDs, prostitution and porn. Importantly, it also teaches about respect – an issue which is so vital and affects so many elements of a person’s life, from relationships to the workplace. If you begin to keep children in the dark about aspects of this education, you start to open up areas where children are navigating blindly, which can lead to a number of problems.
Children are being exposed to porn at an increasingly alarming rate, so how can teachers avoid this subject without missing out many other vital areas of the topic? Children as young as four are being exposed to porn, with many head teachers claiming that pupils need to be taught about porn in order to study other aspects of sex beyond just the process and reproductive elements. If for no other reason, the dangers associated with porn need to be made clear to children so that they can distinguish between fiction and reality.
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