Meet the Spring with the best Apps for a cool relax!
Finally the long-awaited Spring! It is still covered with snow and frozen, but subtle aromas are already in the air and excite our soul and body. How can we work in such a way?
To enjoy a happy, fulfilling life without stress and anxiety try something from this list of the best apps for relax! These apps can help put your anxiety into perspective, track your thinking, and provide relaxation techniques to help bring you a calmer mind.
One strategy some people with anxiety swear by is self-hypnosis. A practitioner of clinic-based hypnotherapy, Donald Mackinnon developed these guided recordings. How it works: You listen to an audio recording in a quiet and safe environment and learn the technique. The recordings are more than just relaxing. They contain subliminal signals to speak to your subconscious.

Acupressure is a massage technique that uses fingers to press pressure points on the body to ease body tension. Don’t worry, no needles involved here! This app teaches users how to perform self-acupressure with over 90 point combinations to help relieve anxiety, pain, and other common conditions. The instructions use illustrations to show exactly where to find a pressure point and how to massage it.
Sometimes you just need a time-out when your stress becomes overwhelming. This app uses the calm sounds of nature to soothe you back into a calm, relaxed state. Sounds include thunder, ocean sounds, birds, rain, or waterfalls. You can set the timer to have a quick 10-minute break, or even set the sounds as an alarm to help ease into your day.

Put your worries away in a box! While that statement seems too good to be true, this app’s idea is to help you deal with and manage your worries. You keep a personal diary in the app where you input your worries. The Worry Box then helps you decide if the worry is unimportant, important, controllable, or uncontrollable. Depending on the worry, the app will give you techniques to help manage it, like next steps or coping statements to tell yourself.
This app is for users who’ve experienced panic attacks due to a panic disorder. In addition to keeping a personal diary, the app comes with three sets of audio: panic assistance, emotional training, and relaxation. The panic assistance audio is meant to coach users through a panic attack, while the emotional training audio trains users to access a calm state. The relaxation audio helps users reduce stress and relax the body.
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