New Figures Show Which UK City has the Highest STI Rates
Sexually transmitted infections, or STIs, are a big problem in the UK. In particular it is a problem for Sheffield, which has recently been given the worrying title of ‘sex infection capital’ of Yorkshire. An online study carried out by HealthExpress has found that the men of Sheffield needed the most advice about the symptoms of sexually transmitted infections, so far in 2013. 101 men sought information, whereas the runner-up city, Leeds, only had 68 enquiries. In the UK in total Sheffield came 9th however. Though it may cause the most concern for sexual health in Yorkshire, in the UK, Birmingham has proved the most in need of help, with 142.
The most common sexually transmitted infection was chlamydia, and the second most common was gonorrhoea. In Sheffield health chiefs and professionals criticised the study, saying that the sample was too small and specific to be truly representative. Sheffield’s Director of Public Health, Dr Jeremy Wight, stated that the majority of people sought help and information from GPs or sexual health clinics and services offered by local hospitals. He criticised the data, whereas some have said that it may show that more people are attempting to seek help and making themselves aware of sexually transmitted infections. The conductors of the study, HealthExpress, are an online clinic offering confidential consultations, and if needed are able to dispatch medication. Wight advised the people of Sheffield against using these kinds of services, and to seek help from established NHS clinics.
One of the most important things people can do to prevent the spread of STIs is to make themselves aware of the causes, symptoms and treatments for them. Seeking online information from credible sources, such as the NHS website, can be an important tool for protecting yourself and others from the spread of STIs. Some other, active steps to take is to use condoms and limit the number of sexual partners you have, as well as being open and honest to your past and current sexual partners about any health concerns you have. If you think you have received a sexual infection from someone, or given one to someone else, make sure that all parties involved are made aware and seek treatment immediately.
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