Could You Benefit From Sibling Counselling?

Marriage counselling is nothing new and organisations have been helping couples mend rifts in their relationships for decades, enabling married couples to stay together rather than going through divorce.

But, of course, there are lots of other types of relationships where you could be facing difficulties with a loved one. Counsellors have recognised this and are beginning to expand their services to offer help to people wanting to heal family fall-outs.

One relationship that is often beset by arguments and resentment is that between brothers and sisters. Whether it’s long-held tensions resulting from childhood or ongoing arguments caused by personality clashes, many people struggle to maintain a good relationship with their sibling. But if you can overcome your difficulties, a brother or sister can offer a lifetime of friendship and support. So, if you don’t get on with a sibling, it might be worth considering whether sibling counselling could be a good option.

Here’s why sibling counselling can prove to be beneficial:

Often when a person finds it hard to get on with a sibling, it can be difficult to get to the root of the problem. You might have argued about a particular topic recently but it’s likely that the cause of the tensions between you is due to events in your childhood. You might feel that your parents always favoured an older brother or sister, or you might resent your younger sibling for taking away your parent’s attention. Counselling can help you understand the real reasons why you argue and that is often the first step to healing your relationship.

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