Which Foods Can Help Make Your Workout Worthwhile?
There are a million little things than can impact your performance on your fitness regime, but your diet is a major player. You want to get the most out of your hard work, so make sure you’re putting the right fuel in your body to improve your wellbeing, and make your workout worthwhile.
Start with fruit that’s easily digestible. Fruit gives you a healthy sugar high, as well as the carbohydrates you need to enhance your energy levels. Before your workout, steer your wellness in the right direction by snacking on bananas and apples. These bad boys are loaded with vitamin C, antioxidants, and fibre, making them perfect for that natural boost of energy you’re after. However, avoid fruits from the citrus family where possible as these are harder to digest and so could cause stomach cramps.
While you’re eating fruit, why not drizzle on some Greek yoghurt? Greek yoghurt contains twice the protein than normal yoghurt, as well as good carbs. Not only does this add energy, but the combination of protein and carbohydrates is also great for muscle growth. You may as well go ahead and throw some bran cereal in with your fruit and yoghurt, as these are a winning choice when it comes to enhancing physical performance. Not only are bran cereals high in fibre, but they also boost your metabolic rate, help with cell function and prevent dehydration during exercise.
That’s breakfast good and covered, but what about the rest of the day? Chicken is a great choice for that time after your workout in which your body craves the nutrients it has lost. You can replenish your body and re-build your depleted muscles with a protein such as chicken, eggs or fish, as this will give your muscles the amino acids they need to grow back stronger and bigger. Some people turn to protein shakes or other liquid meals such as smoothies to get all the essential post-exercise nutrients in just a few gulps. This may be a better option for you if you find the thought of a big meal after exercise daunting, and may help you to build muscle and recover from your workout more successfully, as the nutrients can reach your body faster.
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