Is Someone Holding You Back In Life?
Do you have big ambitions? Want to make changes in your life? Or maybe achieve something particular like gain a promotion at work, move to a better neighbourhood or improve your health?
It’s natural to think that making positive changes would be something that your loved ones would be supportive of. But, quite often, you might find that those closest to you fail to provide the encouragement you hoped for. This can be disappointing and unexpected.
Perhaps your best friend constantly undermines your attempts to lose weight by tempting you with unhealthy treats. Or maybe your partner talks you out of going for a promotion at work. Or perhaps your parents discourage you from achieving your dreams.
It can be frustrating but try to understand why they behave this way and it becomes easier to deal with. Their lack of enthusiasm could be a simple case of jealousy – for instance the friend who doesn’t want you to have a better life than they currently have. But, more often, it’s because your loved one is afraid of losing you. For example, your partner might feel that if you become more successful at work, it could lead to you breaking up with them if their own ambitions don’t match your. Or maybe your parents feel that if you moved house or landed a top job it might mean you moving away from them.
Talk to your loved ones about why you want to make changes and explain that it won’t affect your relationship and often you’ll find that they become more supportive.
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