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Relationship Wellness

Boss Issues? Ways To Make Nice

Having a good relationship with your boss is essential for helping to make your working day enjoyable and stress-free. When you get on well with your boss, you can share problems, discuss ideas and enjoy an open and honest relationship…

Do You Have A Favourite Child?

It’s not something that most parents would admit to. But studies show that many parents with more than one child secretly have a favourite. In a survey of 768 parents, conducted by the University of California, researchers found that 70% of…

Coping With A Jealous Friend

Jealousy is an emotion that can test even the strongest friendship. If you have a friend who is jealous of you, it can be difficult. Perhaps they regularly make comments expressing their envy or maybe they just negatively compare their own…

Dealing With An Angry Partner

We all have off days when we’re grumpy and bad tempered. But if your spouse or partner is more than just grumpy and suffers from angry outbursts on a regular occasion, it can make your life miserable. The problem with anger is that it…

Dealing With Your First Argument

When a relationship is in its early weeks and months, it’s easy to believe that everything is perfect. You can’t imagine your partner ever doing anything to upset you because they are so wonderful! But then the day comes when you have your…

Shy & Looking For Love

Not everyone is blessed with dating confidence and there are those who have found themselves cringing at the idea of meeting a potential partner in a social situation. However, this kind of self-confidence is something that any man or woman…

Kiss And Tell

A study by Oxford University researchers suggests that kissing can tell us if we are compatible with a potential partner and, once in a relationship, may be a way of getting a partner to stick around. “Kissing in human sexual relationships…

The Danger Of Snooping

Have you ever felt tempted to look through the messages on your partner’s phone? Perhaps your partner often leaves their phone lying around while they are in a different room and you know their password. Or maybe you often hear it beep to…

Living Together

At a certain stage in a relationship, many couples might make the decision to move in together. If you’re in a long-term relationship, this can make practical and financial sense, but living with someone is very different to just dating…

Understanding Workplace Stress

In the past, we were led to believe that at some stage in the future we’d be able to work less and enjoy more free time. In reality, the opposite seems to have happened. We are working harder and longer to become more productive. It means…

Finding Love At Work

Holding down a relationship is hard enough at the best of times, but when that relationship is with a co-worker, it can be harder than ever. According to international surveys, as many as four in ten people have had a relationship with a…