Are Men Exaggerating About How Much They Enjoy Sex?
People generally assume that men are more into sex than women, thinking about sex every 7 seconds. Research has shown, however, that this may be a simple sexual health persona, and that men probably do not think about sex as often as this.
Duke University in the United States has carried out the research, which shows that men exaggerate when asked about their sexual wellness and wellbeing and are generally not thinking about sex as often as they claim that they are, and are also exaggerating about how much sex they are having.
The research questioned 202 men about their sex lives, and discovered that men feel a great pressure to fit in with the gender stereotypes by claiming to have a much greater sexual interest than they actually have.
In an associated piece of research, scientists found that women who are more intelligent are likely to have more orgasms in the bedroom. Researchers from King’s College in London carried out the study by questioning over 2,000 female participants, all twins, aged between 18 and 83 about their sex lives. During the study they were asked to rate how easy they found it to reach the point of orgasm on a seven-point scale, ranging from one being never to seven being always.
As a result of the study, it was found that women who are emotionally intelligent (that is, women who have the ability to recognise and express their feelings and emotions and who can pick up on the emotions and feelings of others) were likely to be far more able to reach orgasm during sexual intercourse.
Researchers spoke to 101 men and 101 women and asked them to fill out online surveys about their sex lives, including things such as discomfort, satisfaction, sexual activity and so on.
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