Five Fun Ways to Get Your Exercise

Researchers are discovering an increasing amount of evidence that supports the importance of getting exercise. For those who are new to the idea of exercising regularly the opportunities for getting regular exercise are seemingly limitless.



Swimming may be the ideal activity for people who do not enjoy exercising on gym equipment, hiking in the woods, or participating in more demanding sports. People who have joint pain in their knees or other conditions that limit their time on their feet are also excellent candidates for activities such as swimming laps in a pool or even participating in a water aerobics class.



Adventurous people who enjoy the outdoors may also enjoy taking up climbing. Rock climbing can especially be an entertaining way of staying fit in scenic locations. For those that do not live in regions that present rock climbing opportunities, indoor climbing has gained popularity in recent years. Many major cities have indoor centers that feature a variety of climbing walls of different levels of difficulty. There are also trained staff that can assist beginners.



Some people who are new to running may find that they are more motivated when there is a goal in mind. Signing up for a 5k or foam running events may be a manageable, yet motivating goal for beginners. These events are suitable choices for people who prefer to walk as many races also cater to participants who wish to walk the entire race or do a mixture of running and walking. There are also programs that can be found online or purchased in bookstores that are aimed at helping people transition from living an inactive lifestyle to participating in their first race.


Gardening and Yard Work

For people who wish to accomplish household tasks while cramming exercise into an already busy day, simply gardening or taking care of tasks around the yard can yield a great workout. Bending, digging, lifting, mowing, reaching, raking, and trimming for an hour or more is often a relaxing way to relieve stress on a weekend or after a workday. These activities can also help participants add muscle tone and burn calories.


Household Chores

Those who find they lack the free time to go to the gym should not fret. There are plenty of ways to get exercise throughout the course of a normal day. Washing windows, folding laundry, vacuuming, and making several trips up and down the stairs are just a few examples of household chores that can increase physical fitness.

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