What Does Your Body Go Through When You Quit Smoking?

It is one of the most unhealthy things that you can possibly do to your body, and yet tens of thousands of people are still smoking on a regular basis. If they could understand a little more about what they are doing to their wellness and wellbeing, however, perhaps they would not be so quick to light up the next cigarette. Cigarettes have been proven to increase your chances of getting certain cancers, such as those of the throat, mouth and lung, and smoking can also increase your chances of having heart problems or breathing difficulties.


Unfortunately, nicotine in cigarettes is highly addictive, and so many people who do want to quit find themselves unable to do so. Those who do quit, find that they suffer from such unpleasant physical symptoms that they start smoking again, merely to make the unpleasant effects go away.


  1. Digestive problems are common when people stop smoking. You may experience indigestion, nausea, heartburn and even diarrhea. These symptoms peak and then start to improve.
  2. Respiratory problems can also occur, including coughing, excess phlegm, sinus congestion and a hoarseness in the voice.
  3. Circulation problems are also common. You may find that you feel dizzy or faint and may experience tingling in your fingers or toes.
  4. Sleep problems are also common when stopping smoking, and many people report insomnia or other sleep problems.


As the body starts to repair itself, these symptoms will pass in around three to four weeks, and after that time you will start to feel a lot better and to experience the health benefits of no longer smoking. After this, your blood pressure will improve along with your carbon monoxide levels and risk of having a heart attack.

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