How to Prevent the Three Major Prostate Health Concerns
Prostate cancer is becoming more and more common, which is why it’s more important than ever to have regular check ups if you’re a man over 50. However, this isn’t the only health concern related to prostate, so let’s take a look at how yours might be affected, and what you can do to relieve or prevent the symptoms.
1. Enlarged Prostate. In this condition, your gland grows so big that it reduces the flow of urine through the urethra. You know this affects your wellness if you take frequent trips to the bathroom, have an increased sensation to urinate or experience a reduced urine flow. An enlarged prostate also leads to lower testosterone levels, which hinders your well-being with depression, fatigue and vascular diseases. However, you can find out if your testosterone levels are too low with a simple blood test done by your doctor.
2. Prostate Infections. For a variety of reasons, you can contract an infection in your prostate. You may experience such symptoms as pain or burning during urination, as well as pain in the pelvic area. If this happens, go get it checked out straight away so that your doctor can give you the treatment you need to clear up the infection.
3. Prostate Cancer. This is the most common type of cancer in men, but its severity varies in different patients. You may have no symptoms, and only discover you have the cancer as a result of your regular prostate examination – which is why regular checkups are so important if you’re over the age of 50. If your prostate is enlarged, you have low testosterone levels or there’s a history of prostate cancer in your family, you’re at a greater risk of prostate cancer. The symptoms are the same as prostate enlargement, which is why you should visit your physician ASAP.
If you have one of the above health concerns, or you want to prevent them, you can do a lot with your diet. You should reduce your intake of red meat, dairy products and fried food, and consume more soya, fruits, vegetables, Omega 3 fatty acids and fatty fish like salmon and tuna. Plus, you can find relief from your frequent need to urinate by using the following supplements:
- Zinc
- Saw Palmetto
- Beta-sitosterol
- Lycopene
- Green tea
- Vitamin E
- Selenium
- Pomegranate juice
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