How To Improve Your Sexual Performance

Sexual health is very important, especially to men. For many men, sex is at the centre of their self-confidence, and they are continually looking for ways to improve their sexual wellness and wellbeing.


There are a lot of male enhancement pills available on the market, but there are also lots of simple and natural ways to help you improve your male sexual performance without having to visit a drugstore.


Blood pressure controls the penis. When the brain sends the signal to the vital organ, the blood vessels become engorged and allows an erection to occur. Your heart pumps the blood that allows this occurrence, and thus problems with the heart can lead to problems with the blood pressure and the ability to sustain an erection. In order to keep your sexual health as good as it can be, you should work hard at keeping your heart healthy.


In order to keep your heart healthy and maintain the efficacy of your circulatory system, you should aim to carry out a lot of cardiovascular exercise. Sex can also get your heart rate up of course, but regular exercise can help even more, and that means sweat-breaking exercise such as swimming, running, exercise classes and so on. Just 30 minutes per day of exercise can help to boost both your libido and your sexual wellness.


Food can also play an important part in male sexual health, as there are certain foods that have been proved to increase blood flow to the penis. These include onions and garlic, bananas (the potassium in these can help to lower your blood pressure) and chilli peppers. Spicy foods reduce blood pressure and inflammation and thus help to improve your blood flow.


You can also try eating food that is high in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B1 and eggs, which all help to improve the chances so achieving an erection.

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