Could Excessive Exercise be Causing You to be Infertile?

You know that exercise is a vital part of maintaining your wellness, and so many people ensure that they incorporate exercise into their daily routine. You may be shocked, then, to realise that too much exercise can actually be as bad for you as too little. New research is emerging which suggests that excessive exercise could be damaging to your sexual health and your reproductive wellbeing.


Amenorrhea is a condition which occurs when women who are of a normal reproductive age do not have a normal period for three or more months. This is generally caused by not enough food, long-term excessive exercise or a combination of the two. If you experience amenorrhea it is a sign that you are putting undue stress on your body, and that you should reduce the amount of exercise that you are doing.


If it is not possible to reduce how much exercise you are doing (such as if you are a professional sports person or are in training for some event) then you should attempt to up your calorie intake to compensate for all the exercise that you are doing and make sure that your body has enough fuel to burn off during these demanding sessions. Otherwise your body has no reserves to use for energy and starts attacking itself, leaving you in no fit state to conceive a child.


A Danish study was published last year which corroborates this. It looked at 3,600 women who were trying to fall pregnant. The group was subcategorised according to weight, and their eating and exercise habits were monitored. The researchers found that women whose weight was normal but who carried out too much strenuous exercise could cause themselves to be unable to conceive, or at least to experience delayed conception. This was published in the journal Fertility and Sterility, and seems to corroborate the idea that exercise can have a strong impact on fertility.

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