How Baking Soda Can Fix Your Skin Issues

We’ve all heard of the many uses of baking soda. It’s used as a leavening agent, deodorizer, toothpaste, and many other common household uses. However, you may surprised that it can also be used to help with skin problems. If you’re interested in knowing how baking soda can fix your skin issues, read on!


Top-Notch Exfoliator
Baking soda makes a top-shelf exfoliating agent. Because it is slightly course, but not damaging, it’s the best substance out there for removing the top layer of dead skin cells and revealing new layers underneath. Unlike other exfoliating agents out there, baking soda won’t remove either too much or too little skin. If you’ve struggled with finding an exfoliating agent that works well for your skin, try baking soda. It’s great for sensitive skin also since it won’t cause your skin to become red or irritated.

To use it as an exfoliator, add just a teaspoon to your normal cleanser and then massage into your skin. You should do this 2-3 times a week for the maximum benefits. Remember to moisturize after you’re done!


Cleanser For Oily Skin
Baking soda also works great for oily skin. If your skin is prone to acne, most of the people who try it love how it helps their skin. In order to get the maximum benefits, mix about a teaspoon of baking soda with enough water to make a paste and then massage it into your skin. Leave on like a mask for just a minute or two and then rinse off with water. This is a great way to get rid of oil on your skin and is sensitive enough when you have painful acne breakouts.


Achieve Softer Skin
You’re going to seen benefits with your entire skin though, if you use baking soda properly. If you’re tired of having rough skin, mix together 2 1/2 cups baking soda, 1/2 cup cornstarch, and 2 cups cream of tartar in a container. Add 1/4 cup of this mixture together in your bath and soak for a few minutes. This is a great way to soften winter-rough skin. Use an oil-free lotion after you get out to break the cycle of dry skin.


Removes Rough Patches
One final way that baking soda can help to clear up any skin problems is when you use it as a way to get rid of rough and scaly patches on your skin. Once again, baking soda is great for sensitive areas and won’t be too rough on any part of your body. Rough knees, elbows, and feet are especially great areas for this. Mix baking soda with a small amount of water just before you use it and then rub the mixture on rough areas to smooth your skin naturally. You may be surprised to see the changes in your skin from this simple kitchen item, but there’s a reason why we love it!


Anti-Bacteria Properties
If you have athletes foot or a nail fungus, baking soda has natural anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties that can help. Make a baking soda paste and apply to the infected areas, leaving on for about 10 minutes. Then wash off and repeat this twice a day for best results.

These are some of the major ways that baking soda can help with common skin problems. If you’re tired of expensive and ineffective commercial options, try this natural, green option that can help to fix most of your skin issues easily!



Author Bio:
Julia Taylor is a blogger for SkinTagFree who contributes her knowledge on various skin care issues. Actively attending affiliated seminars and networking events in the world of beauty.

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