Nutritional Viagra: Foods to Get Things Going in the Bedroom
Getting things going in the bedroom can be a real challenge sometimes, but does that mean your sexual wellness is at the point where you need Viagra? You may be reluctant to take medications for your sexual health, or be worried about the side effects, so why bother? There are plenty of natural foods that can be equally effective at sprucing up your sex life, without putting your wellbeing at risk to side effects.
Leafy Greens: Spinach is particularly good for spicing up your sex drive as it contains vitamin E (which is known to increase your production of sex hormones), zinc (which improves sperm quality and quantity in men) and manganese (which helps women produce more oestrogen, thereby boosting libido and fertility).
Chillies: This spice can make things hot hot hot in the bedroom, as they improve your blood circulation (meaning you get better blood flow to the the reproductive organs) and stimulate the release of endorphins. This means you have more feel-good hormones to keep you aroused for longer.
Pomegranates: A month of drinking pomegranate juice will get your sex drive to an all-time high, as the antioxidants will help to flush out harmful radicals from your body and increase your blood circulation and libido.
Bananas: These fruits contain vitamin E, which increases your sex hormone production and energy levels. This means that bananas can help to treat conditions like erectile dysfunction (ED).
Strawberries: The reason why this fruit is so good for your sex life is that it contains vitamin C, which revs up your sex drive. Plus, strawberries can greatly improve sperm quality and quantity.
Watermelons: An amino acid called Citrulline – found in watermelons – urges your body to produce another amino acid called Arginine. This potent sex stimulant helps to relax your blood vessels and increase blood flow to your genitals. While we’re on this amino acid, raisins are loaded with arginine.
Chocolates: As chocolate contains a compound called Serotonin, it can really enhance your libido. Plus, the phenethylamines found in chocolate help your body and mind to relax, so you can focus on (and enjoy) sex better.