Tone Up to Improve Your Performance in the Bedroom

Did you know that there are specific exercises that you can do to help improve your sexual health? Sex is still very much a taboo subject, so it is not frequently discussed, and therefore people are often unaware that there are simple things that they can do to boost their own sexual wellness and wellbeing.


Strength and flexibility are two keys to great sex. Doing a workout that both sculpts and stretches key muscles can be the difference between a great sex session and a mediocre sex session. There are a few key exercises that you can integrate with the rest of your workout to help you improve those ‘sex muscles’ and the good news is that they will also tone you up at the same time.


The frog stretch is the first one to try, and will enable you to wrap your legs around your partner, froggy style! Yoga instructors love this stretch, as it opens up the pelvic floor and inner thighs and gets your limbered up for any sexual position.


You do it by lying face down on the floor, with two rolled up towels underneath your thighs and pelvis to support them, and your arms straight out in front of you. Bend your arms and legs until they become 90 degree angles, and you resemble a frog. Hold this position for around three minutes and then release it.


If it’s leg and lower body power you’re after (for positions such as the straddling position), you need to tone up your quads, hamstrings and gluts. The ‘wall sit’ is ideal for this, as it gives extra power to your legs as you hold a squat position. To do the wall sit you need to but a stability ball up against a wall and lean back on it, so that the ball is in the small of your back, lower back and tailbone. You then put your hands on your knees, put your weight back onto your heels and then squat down, keeping contact between your back and the ball, until your thighs are parallel to the ground. Hold this for 15 seconds, rest for 30 and then do this five times in total.

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