How to Avoid Letting Insecurity Ruin Your Sex Life
One of the biggest barriers to sexual health and wellbeing is insecurity. Insecurity can greatly affect your wellness by making you worry both about your body and your performance during sex, and this worry has a negative impact on your ability to achieve true intimacy with your partner.
Some people are naturally more confident than others, and sex is no exception. Some people are naturally more inhibited than others, so you can’t necessarily aim to fling caution to the wind and become some kind of sex goddess, but you can feel better about yourself and your sexual performance just by adjusting your mind set a little.
First of all, forget about comparing yourself to others. When you compare yourself to others you will always be able to find something lacking in yourself. This is especially the case when you compare yourself to celebrities, who are often chosen for their looks and are then airbrushed into perfection at every turn. Your friends are not always a good point of comparison too, as many women can exaggerate their sexual confidence, and so you may think that they are getting up to all kinds of sexual escapades when in reality their sex life is as ordinary as yours. Focus instead on yourself, thinking strongly about your most positive features and your own enjoyment of the situation.
You also need to learn to love your body, and everything about it. The more comfortable you are in your own skin, the easier it will be to feel confident with your partner. Rest assured that whatever it is that you feel self-conscious about (be it a wobble here or a scar there), it is absolutely not what your partner is focusing on. Men actually feel turned off by the women they are with complaining about their body, but feel turned on by those same women (wobbles and all!) being confident enough to show off their body in a sexy and confident way.
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