Slip and Slide: How to Care For Yourself After a Fall

When you hear the term “slip and fall” you do not often think of serious injuries. You may think that your pride is what suffers the most damage during this type of event, but victims of a slip and fall can really suffer from serious injuries.


The most common types of injuries that occur when you slip in fall include:


• Hip injuries

• Wrist injuries

• Spinal injuries

• Head injuries, including concussions

• Tail bone injuries, especially fractures

• Shoulder injuries, especially rotator cuff injuries



Caring For Yourself After A Slip And Fall Injury

Depending on the type of injury you sustained during the accident, there are many things that you can do that will promote recovery, reduce pain, and help you to overcome any issues surrounding your injury.



• Meditation. Meditation can be used to help control pain and help you focus on healing. You do not have to have professional training to meditate. Simply find a quiet area and close your eyes and allow yourself to think about healing and controlling the pain. You will be amazed at how well this can help you.

• Yoga. Yoga is very good for relieving pain of sore muscles and many different spinal traumas. Of course, clear this with your doctor first and work with a professional trainer for the best results. Yoga can really help strengthen weak muscles after long periods of being bedridden.
• Hot and Cold. Depending on your injury, hot or cold compresses can relieve the pain and swelling that you may be enduring. Warm baths with Epsom salts in the water can also work wonders on sore muscles.
• Lavender. If you are having trouble relaxing or sleeping due to the discomfort of your injuries, try placing a few drops of lavender oil on your pillow. Lavender has been shown to induce a restful sleep. Many people also add lavender oil to a warm bath to help them sleep.
• Peppermint Oil. If your pain is due to sore muscles or muscle spasms from the injury, rubbing peppermint oil into these areas can relieve the pain. This is especially good for your back.
• Friends and Family. You need to let go of your pride during this time in your life and ask for some help. It may be difficult to ask for help, especially if you normally are the care provider, but it will help you manage your pain. Allowing your friends and family to pitch in and help will provide you with more time to heal. You may also have a case that can be compensated by law. A Tampa, FL injury lawyer stresses how important it is to seek medical care and to make detailed observations in case you need to seek legal help later.


Slip and fall injuries should be seen as serious accidents that need the proper attention for a full recovery. A person that sustains any type of injury deserves the medical attention and aftercare that will help them recover. Using some of these tips to help ease the pain associated with these injures will be most beneficial. Every person deserves relief from their pain, regardless of how the injury happened.


After being injured, Melanie Fleury made the mistake of not getting medical care immediately. Years after injury, the pain returns frequently. Williams Law Association, P.A., a Tampa, FL injury lawyer, cautions victims that accidents can cause consequences for months, years or a lifetime. If you have been injured due to a slip and fall, seek proper medical care immediately.

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