Why Do Transgender People Face Higher Mental Health Risks?

It’s not hard to see how being transgender can affect your mental wellbeing; not only do you have to come to terms with your gender identity, but you also face more mental distress as a result of the social disapproval and discrimination you encounter. Research shows that, as a transgender person, you come across harassment, discrimination and even violence in all areas of life, including health provision, corporate wellness, social exclusion and hate crime. This makes you a high risk for depression, self-harm and suicide.


In 2007, a survey of 872 trans people showed that a third (34%) of respondents had considered suicide, which is considerably higher than the general population. This is because transgender people come up against a whole host of difficulties, including:


1. Lack of understanding from your loved ones, employer, medical professionals and others.

2. Trouble finding work or keeping your job once your background becomes known to others.

3. Rejection by your family and friends.

4. Negative or hurtful comments from transphobic people.

5. Intimidation and violence on the streets and outside your home.

6. Being stared at and laughed at when you’re out running errands.

7. Bullying and name-calling


According to Ady Davis, a psychosexual therapist with the North-East Gender Dysphoria Service, ‘The main issues that affect the mental wellbeing of trans people are related to discrimination.’ This discrimination may cause you to feel conflict within yourself, as you may, for example, have certain religious beliefs that discriminate against your trans status. You may also experience conflict in your relationships, be it with your parents, school or workplace. There’s also wider discrimination from society.


‘Some trans people can’t do everyday activities such as going shopping without getting stared at, attracting comments, having their self-esteem knocked or experiencing violence on occasion,’ Davis explains. ‘When you put them together, all these difficulties can have a massive impact on mental health. Trans people may isolate themselves, and they may experience feelings of depression, suicide or self-harm. For example, they may mutilate their bodies by trying to remove the parts they’re not happy with, such as their breasts or penis. They may also start using alcohol or drugs as a way to escape.’


If you are questioning your gender, feeling you should be the opposite gender or feeling that you have no gender at all, there is help available to ensure you don’t fall prey to these mental health problems. Davis notes, ‘If this is a temporary doubt that lasts no more than a few months, it may be something you resolve yourself, but if your feelings of gender discomfort are consistent, you can get support that can help you feel more comfortable with your gender identity.’ Areas of support include:


Your GP: This is the first port of call when you’re questioning your gender, as your doctor can directly refer you to the appropriate service.


Community Support Groups: Look on charity websites such as The Gender Trust, Mermaids and The Beaumont Society to find groups in your area for trans people and their families. Local lesbian, gay and bisexual groups also have information about support for trans people.


Helplines: NHS Direct 111 and the Samaritans (08457 90 90 90), as well as your GP, can give you confidential, non-judgemental emotional support if you are having depressed, self harm or suicidal thoughts.


Psychological therapy: Davis notes, ‘All types of treatment generally aim to get someone to a point where they feel more content in their gender…For example, someone may want to express a female side but fear of telling a partner is preventing them. In this case, a therapist would help the trans person to express those feelings, and to work out how they would be accepted in the relationship. The therapist may talk to the partner as well. If they accept it, that may be enough.’

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