Five Pregnancy Health Myths Debunked

If you are expecting or planning to conceive, then you have probably been giving a lot of information about pregnancy. However, some of the information that you have been given may not be true. Below are five myths about pregnancy:

Myth: You Cannot Keep a Cat While You Are Pregnant

Fact: You do not have to get rid of your furry buddy. However, you may want to ask someone else to change the litter box for you. Cat feces increase the risk of a condition called toxoplasmosis.



Myth: You Cannot Eat Salmon While You Are Pregnant

Fact: Salmon is actually very good for pregnant women because it is a healthy source of omega 3 fatty acids. Studies have shown that mothers who get plenty of omega 3 fatty acids during their pregnancy tend to deliver healthier babies. One of the reasons that people think that pregnant women cannot have any type of fish is because of the mercury content. Freshwater fish, such as salmon, are actually very low in mercury. This is one of the many things that people should know before they make a trip to the California cryobank.



Myth: You Have to Eat For Two

Fact: This is perhaps one of the biggest myths about pregnancy. You only need to get about 300 extra calories during pregnancy. If you overindulge, then you may gain too much weight. Excess weight gain is not healthy for you or the baby.



Myth: You Cannot Fly While You Are Pregnant

Fact: You do not have to postpone your vacation because you are pregnant. You can fly any time that you like as long as your health care provider says that it is okay. However, it is important to note that some airlines do not allow pregnant women who are in their last trimester to fly.



Myth: Walking Can Help Induce Labor

Fact: Walking offers a number of benefits, and it can help you feel better. However, it will not induce your labor. You may have heard that cod-liver oil can help speed up labor. That is a myth also.



Myth: You Cannot Eat Hot Dogs

Fact: Hot dogs are perfectly fine to eat during pregnancy as long as they are thoroughly cooked.



You will probably get a lot more information about pregnancy, but you cannot believe everything that you hear. If you have any questions about your pregnancy, then it is best to ask your health care provider.

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